Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Chick-fa-la Spirit Night, Thursday 5-8pm

AG Cox’s PTA is having Spirit Night at Chick-fa-la Thursday from 5pm-8pm.  Come feed the family dinner and support the Raiders! Also, don’t forget to join PTA!

The Candy Man Main Event is Thursday.  Students that sold 30 items or more will get to take the Limo to Lunch ride.  Parents make sure to sign your child’s permission slip for the Limo to Lunch.   

Pick up for Candy Man orders will begin Monday, Oct. 21st.  Only parents are allowed to pick up orders.

The PBIS Harvest Dance will be Nov. 4th from 6-9pm.  Stay Tuned for more information.

Sport Events for this week:

Thursday, Oct. 20th Fball vs Chicod at 4pm