Sunday, October 30, 2016

Week of Oct. 31st

Tomorrow is Oct. 31st and a reminder that students are not allowed to wear mask and costumes to school.

AG Cox is doing a school supply and canned food drive to help Pitt County students that were affected by Hurricane Matthew.  Please partner with us by donating school supplies and canned goods.  Your generosity will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks to all that participated to help make the Candy Man Fundraiser a huge success!

The PBIS Harvest Dance will be Nov. 4th from 6-9pm.  Presale tickets are $7.00 until Nov. 1st and then $10 at the door. 

Parents, be on the lookout for report cards as they will be sent home Nov. 7th­­.­­

AG Cox is excited to announce its Student Government Association elections will take place Nov. 8th during lunch.  Students, don’t forget to vote!

PTA AG Cox spirit gear orders are arriving and will be delivered soon.

Parents this is a reminder that Nov. 10th will be a Early Release day.  School will dismiss at 12:30pm.

Sport Events for this week:
Vball vs. PS Jones @ 4pm

Vball at Farmville @ 4pm