Sunday, April 9, 2017

4/10 Weekly Announcements

Parents please note, that AG Cox limits classroom disruptions and only call students out of class for emergencies.  Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Report cards for the 3rd 9wks will be sent home Monday, March 10th along with information explaining your child’s math class recommendations for next school year.

AG Cox Talent Show will be Tuesday, April 11th from 6pm to 7pm.  Cost will be $3.00. Concessions will be available.  We will have a special performance by staff members and South Central’s Talent Show winner.

Thursday, April 13th will be Jeans Day for SGA.  Also on Thursday, we will also have the PBIS Academic Dances.

Teachers will begin afterschool tutoring on March 24th to help students prepare for end of year testing.  Tutoring will be afterschool from 3:30 to 4:20pm.  Consolidated bus stops will be provided to students that need transportation after tutoring.  Ask your child about the tutoring information that was sent home Friday.

AG Cox had great participation from students, staff, and the community during the Autism Awareness Black Out Day.  Thanks to WNCT Channel 9, Winterville Fire & Recuse, Winterville Parks and Recs, Winterville Police Chief, and ECU’s Basketball Team.

The Just Do It event was a success.  We had over 500 students that completed ALL their assignments and got to participate in the fun activities.

Pitt County Schools will have Spring Break starting this Friday from April 14th to April 23rd.

No Home Sporting Events this week.