Sunday, June 4, 2017

06/05 Weekly Announcements

The year books are in and they look awesome!!!  There are a few extras and will be available for sale Monday.  The cost is $35 and is 1st come 1st serve!

The 8th Grade Team Shirts with student names on the back are still on sale.  Get yours today as we only have a few left.   

We are half way through our end of grade testing.  We need students to continue working hard and finish the school year strong.  Please make sure your child gets a good night sleep, eats breakfast, and encourage your child to do his/her best.   Ask your child about our EOG Effort Block Party. 

Students may wear AG Cox Spirit Shirts with uniform bottoms.  Jeans, pajamas, pillows, or blankets are not allowed.

Also, cell phones, smart watches, and fidget spinners are not allowed in the testing room.  Teachers will collect these items at the beginning of testing and return them to students after test sessions are complete. 

Testing Schedule this week is as follows.

-June 5th  Math 1
-June 6th  Science
-June 7th  Social Studies

We are looking forward to all of our hard work paying off!

End of Year Awards Assemblies for the week are as follows…

*Tuesday, June 6th Special Needs Awards assembly at 2pm

*Wednesday, June 7th, 7th & 8th grade Athletic Awards assembly at 2pm

*Thursday, June 8th

·                                          *6th grade awards assembly will be 9-10:30am

·                                           *7th grade awards assembly will be 11-12:30pm

*Friday, June 8th 
               *8th grade awards assembly will be 9-11am