Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Red Cross Volunteers & Supply Needed

Hello all,

Red Cross shelters:
  • Hope Middle
  • Wellcome Middle
  • E.B. Aycock Middle
  • North Pitt High
  • Ayden Middle will open as a shelter at 7:00 pm tonight.   

As for types of supplies needed, the Red Cross emphasized that bottled water is in critical need, as they are going through it quickly at the shelters.  Also:

  • Individually wrapped snacks
  • Toys or activity items for kids to keep busy and entertained at the shelter sites
  • NEW towels, wash cloths
  • Unopened toiletries
  • Diapers and supplies for infants
The Red Cross cannot accept clothing donations (used or new).  They have plenty of cots and blankets currently.  

Another way to help is to volunteer.  Pitt County Emergency Management has a volunteer resource coordinator to help link individuals looking for volunteer opportunities with community groups, churches, and other charitable organizations providing relief efforts. The Coordinator will maintain resource lists to disseminate to charitable organizations upon request.  For more information, please call 252-902-3976.  As always, anyone interested in volunteering specifically with the American Red Cross can call 252-355-3800.

Thank you, and please be safe!

Dr. Travis Lewis
Director of Community & Student Services
Pitt County Schools