Monday, October 17, 2016

School 2hr Delay, Tuesday, Oct. 18th

School will operate on a 2hr delay, Tuesday, Oct. 18th.

The Candy Man Main Event will take place this Thursday.  Students that sold 30 items or more will get to take the Limo to Lunch ride.  Parents make sure to sign your child’s permission slip for the Limo to Lunch ride as they must have a signed permission slip to ride the limo. 

Candy Man order pickup will begin Monday, Oct. 21st.  More information will be sent home this week.

Sport Events for this week:
Tuesday, Oct. 18th  X Country at Boyd Lee at 4:30pm.

Wednesday, Oct. 19th Vball game @ Hope at 4pm.

Thursday, Oct. 20th Fball vs Chicod at 4pm

Have a good night and Go Raiders!